
Premier League 2010-05-05

Premier League 2010-05-05 (Year month date)

Manchester City - Tottenham Hotspur

Goal Only [by footballars] : 15.7MB : [Ziddu] , [MidUpload]
homemade Highlight [by footballars] :
1st Half : 82.97MB : [MultiUpload]
2nd Half : 86.98MB : [MultiUpload]

1 comment:

Dontopa said...

bro3 please help me find the original picture of this, because i want to know where the ball is located...i already download ur past highlight.but can't find it yet...

if u dont know where the ball located too, please help me with post this picture at football forum, where you took the highlight link..
maybe footballars will help too..
thanks so much..

here the picture:


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