
Capital One Cup 2012-12-11

Capital One Cup 2012-12-11 (Year month date)

Vermaelen, Bradford - Arsenal

English League Cup Quarter Final Round

Bradford - Arsenal

2 Mins Goal Only [Original post-match by Sagopa Kajmer] : 29MB : [DepositFile]
400p Highlight [by Sagopa Kajmer] : 210MB : [HotFile]
720p Highlight [by GaLaTaMaN] : 470MB : [HotFile]

Norwich City - Aston Villa

400p Highlight [by Sagopa Kajmer] : 77.4MB : [HotFile]
720p Highlight [by GaLaTaMaN] : 174MB : [HotFile]


Anonymous said...

can you upload another link? Hotfile?

Wantknow said...

Sorry, my individual upload fix at DepositFiles.
By the way, add full highlight 's link (HotFile)

Anonymous said...

TQ very much :)
appreciate that